Sunday, May 16

We hear from Paul's letter to the Galatians, a community facing conflicts related to diversity. Paul reminds them that, even in their uniqueness, through Christ they are all beloved and they all belong. We listen for how we embody and share that message today.

Sunday, May 9

We continue to hear about the growth of the early church. Drawing from a passage in Acts, we explore how the early church wrestles with change, seeks to listen to the Spirit, and discerns a new way forward. We listen for the parallels in our time, as we discern our way forward in this pandemic time of upheaval and change.

Sunday, April 18

We continue in the gospel of Luke and hear about Jesus' post-resurrection encounter with two disciples on the Emmaus Road. We'll listen for how, even after death, Jesus invites his disciples to deeper practices of faith, and how it is in living like Jesus that we recognize Jesus in our midst.

Sunday, March 28

We begin our worship celebrating Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. We'll then shift into a portion of passion story as we hear how Jesus prepares to confront the powers that be. Together we'll listen for courage and resolve as we seek to find a new way forward, particularly in the face of violence and suffering in our lives and world.

Sunday, March 14

We continue our Lenten theme “A New Way Forward.” This week we hear a vision of Isaiah about healing for the world and a challenging parable from Jesus about wealth and the barriers that wealth often creates. We’ll hear a sermon from one of our UCC national officers, Associate General Minister for Wider Church Ministries and Co-Executive for Global Ministries Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, as she offers a global perspective on how we are called—as the larger church—to help alleviate global poverty and suffering.

Sunday, February 28

We continue with our Lenten theme "A New Way Forward." This week we hear the story of Jesus visiting Martha and Mary and the call to remember our groundedness in God. As Martha was worried and distracted by many things, what is worrying and distracting us? How can we center and ground ourselves in the God who is always with us?

Audio Block
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Sunday, February 21

We begin our Lenten journey with our Lenten theme "A New Way Forward." Together, we'll be listening for how God is calling us to live into this season of our lives and world. We'll start this Sunday with Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan. How is God calling us into action as we seek to care for the most vulnerable in our society? Who needs our love? And from whom do we receive compassion?

Sunday, January 31, 2021

We continue in the gospel of Luke and hear about Jesus' call to healing and wholeness. We'll listen in on a debate he has with the religious leaders over Sabbath, and explore how we are called to seek healing and wholeness for ourselves and others, even when it may challenge our traditions, rules, or practices.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

We continue in the Gospel of Luke and hear about the calling of the first disciples. We'll listen for how Jesus invites us to join him in ministry, repurposing our skills for the work of justice and peace in our world today.

Notes: The scripture is a reading of Luke 5:1-11 .​. The audio of Amanda Gorman is of her reading of the poem “The Hill We Climb” at the Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2021,​.

Sunday, January 17

We hear about the start of Jesus’ public ministry. He preaches his inaugural sermon about “bringing good news to the poor,” which offers both comfort and challenge to his hearers. Director of Faith Development Katie Diaz preaches about accepting good news that challenges our lives and asks us to reorient ourselves towards service. We’ll also hear a Moment for Mission about Our Church’s Wider Mission and hear special music from youth of the Ba’hai community, Beit Haverim, and LOUCC.

Sunday, January 10

We celebrate Epiphany, the day when we remember the Magi's journey of following the star to the Christ Child. This Sunday we'll hear Epiphany star stories from LOUCC members Pam Rossio, Maddy Lovett, Brenda Fulle, and Kathi Rise, as they share how their star words guided them through 2020.

Sunday, January 3

We celebrate Epiphany, the day when we remember the Magi's journey of following the star to the Christ Child. This Sunday we'll hear Epiphany star stories from LOUCC members Pam Rossio, Maddy Lovett, Brenda Fulle, and Kathi Rise, as they share how their star words guided them through 2020.

Sunday, December 27

We continue the story of Jesus’ infancy. We’ll hear how two elder prophets, Simeon and Anna, recognize Jesus as the Messiah when he is 8 days old. Jennie will share a sermon from one of her spiritual elders and prophets, Barbara Brown Taylor, who helps us see God in the infant Jesus and in the world around us.

Sunday, December 20

We begin our journey through the Gospel of Luke. We'll hear the story of Mary's call to bear the Christ Child, her visit with her cousin Elizabeth, and her song the Magnificat. We'll explore how God invites ordinary people, like Mary and like you and me, to help bear God's light, love, and justice to the world.