Just Peace

In 2011, our congregation voted unanimously to become a Just Peace church, committing ourselves to be people who oppose war and actively seek peace, which includes seeking economic and environmental justice for people around the globe. As part of the Just Peace movement within the United Church of Christ, we join other congregations around the country in pursuing this vision of global peace and justice.

Our Just Peace statement reads:

As a Just Peace Church, Lake Oswego United Church of Christ affirms we are called together as a community of unconditional love to be:

  1. a beacon of hope that peace with justice is possible in today’s world

  2. a zone of freedom for honest and open communication, where differences may be expressed, explored and worked through in mutual understanding and growth

  3. a voice of protest against social and political structures comfortable with violence and injustice

  4. a body of laborers who facilitate justice within and beyond our church community both by financial support and active service.

The justice for which we strive includes, but is not limited to, economic, racial, sexual, and environmental. Without these, we believe “peace” is hollow, false, and short lived.

Approved May 2011